
March 21st to 23rd 2014 at Grail Springs Spa RetreatMindfully Living the Now

Rishma shows you how to harness energy and self-medicine through Mindfulness in Meditation and Motion. Drawing on Mantra, Affirmation and Yogic/Buddhist Philosophy, Rishma will introduce you to her ‘DreamBeam®’ techniques for Healing, Loving/Living and Dreaming . You will learn to access self-awareness, healing energy and transformation techniques that you can use to liberate yourself from daily or accumulated stress, over-active busy minds, and stuck energy in the body.

Experience self-compassion and self-confidence as you shift positively and gain the tools to freshly bloom into spring. Rishma will also be available for private one-on-one sessions.

To book a spot in this workshop, visit Grail Springs Spa Retreat – Mindfully Living the Now